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7 health food and diet myths that make nutritionists cringe

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The majority of America seems incredibly confused when it comes to nutrition. The bizarre health trends people adopt because they “heard it from their friend” can make me cringe.

Just the other day at a coffee shop, I overheard a woman sharing how she is on a “no carb, no sugar plan” while she sipped on a Naked Green Smoothie (aka 56 grams of sugar from fruit concentrate), the other nodding as she whipped out a Special K Protein bar. I swear, people think a banana is a shocking food choice, yet don’t even question a product if it says “skinny” on the label.

As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, I’ve heard and seen it all. I could make this list incredibly long with the nonsense I’ve heard, but let’s stick to the top things you might THINK you’re doing right with nutrition.

MYTH #1: Gluten-free, organic and natural equate with health.

Just to be clear, gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, oats and rye, and needs to be strictly avoided for those with the allergy or sensitivity to gluten—but not everyone on the planet has a gluten allergy. And did you know that sugar, corn, soy and rice are gluten-free? You can just as easily rack up the calories, and spike blood sugar from gluten-free products as any other gluten-containing food.

Just yesterday I had a woman who switched her high-fiber, whole grain bread to a gluten-free bread that was actually higher in calories, and had virtually no vitamins, minerals or fiber. Those who refuse the whole grain bread, but are fine with gluten-free pretzels and sugar-cookies are missing the bigger picture of a healthful diet. Instead, look at what the food is made of. Avoid sugar and avoid a laundry list of ingredients.

As for organic, while I absolutely recommend organic whenever possible to reduce intake of pesticides, insecticides and herbicides, it doesn’t always equate with health. Sugar, granola bars and boxed mashed potatoes all can be organic, but it does not mean they are healthy. Read the ingredients and understand if the product is made with processed ingredients and sugar first. If yes, put it back. If you are concerned where to put your money when it comes to organic, look to the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen and Environmental Working Groups as resources.

As for natural—HA! Do NOT let a brown box with the word natural fool you. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) “has not developed a definition for use of the term natural or its derivatives … the agency has not objected to the use of the term if the food does not contain added color, artificial flavors, or synthetic substances.” In other words, “natural” doesn’t mean much.

MYTH #2: Skipping breakfast saves calories and helps with weight loss.

This is probably one of the worst things you can do for your metabolism. Your body has been in a fasted state all night, and now you are going to try and run on fumes to start your day? Instead of “saving calories,” your body pushes into “survival mode,” where it begins training itself to store the next meal’s calories instead of using it as fuel (aka storing as fat). According to The National Weight Control Registry, tracking over 10,000 Americans who have lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off, breakfast is one of the four leading behaviors to their success (78 percent consume breakfast daily).

MYTH #3: Calories are the enemy.

For some reason, calories have become the bad guy in our culture and everyone seems to be fixed on a magic number of “1200.” What many people don’t realize is that your body will either burn or store calories based on the quality, timing and amount you get at any one time. Eating more, not less, of the right types of foods help you lose weight. Sticking to 1200 calories per day, but eating boxed SmartOnes, Special K Bars and sugar-free chocolates are only going to further deplete your body and cause it to hold on to as much energy as possible.

It makes me cringe when someone beats their chest because their yogurt has “only 60 calories,” yet the label is loaded with artificial sweeteners, preservatives and added sugars. These additives and sugars can be the problem with blood sugar problems, hormones and inability to lose weight. So, what does work? Eating quality foods, eating every few hours and being less concerned about the number of calories, and more concerned with what you are putting into your body.

MYTH #4: All “healthy swaps” are healthy.

Not all supposedly healthier alternatives are actually better for you. For example:

  • Egg beaters instead of whole eggs. Eggbeaters have a long list of ingredients containing everything from natural flavors, colors and vegetable gums. A whole egg, is just, well an egg. An egg loaded with its own vitamins and minerals (no additives).
  • Light, fat-free 60-calorie strawberry yogurt instead of regular plain. These “light versions” are loaded with artificial sweeteners, flavors and a bunch of ingredients you that you probably can’t pronounce. These ingredients could be doing harm to your blood sugar and hormones in the long run. Opt for the regular yogurt that reads “pasteurized milk and live active cultures” on the label instead.
  • Opting for coffee (or Red Bull) instead of eating a meal for breakfast. Your body is already dehydrated upon waking. By feeding it dehydrating fluids, chemicals and not giving it the right “fuel” (aka complex carbs and protein), the body will not run efficiently. Without breakfast, your body starts to mix-up hormone signals and can cause some major problems.
  • Eating a protein bar instead of your packed lunch. Most protein bars are pure sugar, carbohydrates and a LOT of added ingredients that you’ll have trouble pronouncing. Plus, it’s hard to get a good amount of protein and fiber from them. Instead, pack leftovers from home, or a whole grain wrap with lots of veggies and protein paired with fruit on the side.


This story originally appeared on Simplemost. Checkout Simplemost for other great tips and ideas to make the most out of life.