What Metro Detroiters expect to hear from tonight's Presidential debate


DOWNTOWN DETROIT (WXYZ) — Presidential candidates are battling for Michigan this election season, and the closer we get to election day, the harder they press on the gas. But is it enough to sway people's decision?

It's the day the country has been waiting for, The two Presidential hopefuls — Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump — meeting in person for the first time tonight. But some Detroiters aren't too sure the debate is going to have the intended consequences the campaigns are hoping for.

We asked Metro Detroiters if they believe they can be swayed by tonight's debate, and we got similar responses.

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“Unfortunately I don’t (think most people will be swayed)," said Jessica Jones. "People for the majority already have their minds made up.”

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“They try to pander to what they think they want to hear vs what they maybe need to hear," said Brandon Crawford.

Some people told us they are tired of the empty promises and personal attacks being hurled from both sides of the aisle.

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“With the guys getting in office, don’t just give a (damn) about us, you should give a care about us," said Sidney Chrystal.

And some feel like rallies and campaign stops might be a better response.

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“It makes the people feel like they’re important," said Quana.

But regardless of whether the candidates are on the national stage or a local one, most people I spoke to say they believe everyone's chosen a camp.

“I don’t think they’re actually addressing what we’re dealing with and facing," said Jessica.

Voters we talked to feel that a debate isn't going to change anyone's mind.

“They just play on whatever they think people want to hear and it’s unfortunate because I think people can see right through it," Jessica said.

“Even if I don’t necessarily like the person, if their policies seem to be more beneficial for more people I would be more inclined to vote for that person," Brandon said.

Both Vice President Harris and former President Trump will face off in a debate tonight. You can catch that on Channel 7 at 9 p.m. EST

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