'This is the year.' Metro Detroiters tell us how they fill out March Madness brackets

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(WXYZ) — March Madness is back! Play-in games kicked off Tuesday night and continue Wednesday, but there's still time to fill out your bracket.

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When it comes to predicting the ultimate champion, is it up to luck or strategy. We hit the streets of metro Detroit to ask how people are filling out there brackets.

"I say New Mexico, New Mexico," Arise Noel told us. "Mind you, I've seen some of them before, and they play really well. Really well"

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"I'm really rooting for Michigan State and Oakland. It can be shocking," Leon Williams, Jr. said. "They could come out and be number one. You know, you never know. Like you got Oakland University from Michigan here. You know, I'm proud of those guys that stepping up to the plate."

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"Go Griz. You know, 14 seed, going against Kentucky. I'm taking the Griz. There's a little bias in there as well," Thomas Schafer said.

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"I heard they have a tough match up so I don't know how that's gonna go, but it's exciting that they made it," Aisha Bibsb said.

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"Why do you pick the underdog?" we asked DJ Dones.

"Cause I'm short. I feel like I'm an underdog in certain situations. So I, I like to go with the underdog and it makes the game interesting. Somebody to root for," he said.

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"If I know their colors, I'll go after their colors too. I've actually been asking people to come in, 'who would you pick?' then I just go with what they say," Rosa Perez said.

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"I just found out that the numbers that they're ranking next to the right and left, I guess they're seeds the lower, the better," Bibsb said. "I'm just pretty much going off a record and just guessing."

"I have lost every bracket I've ever done in my life. But this year is the year," Justin Abro said.

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"It's so wide open. Anybody can win on any given game. So my bracket be washed up basically the first day," Jones said.

"It's also luck of the draw. I mean, there's never been a perfect bracket. Sometimes you gotta get lucky," Schafer said.

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