Community sounds off over GLWA's water and sewer rate hikes

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(WXYZ) — Tensions ran high today at the Great Lakes Water Authority board meeting.

The authority, which serves much of southeast Michigan, was considering a water and sewer rate hike.

The GLWA board ended up voting to approve a 5.9% average increase to wholesale water rates as opposed to the 7.73% originally proposed. Sewer rates will also increase by an average of 4.5%.

Many residents from across metro Detroit attended the Wednesday GLWA meeting, expressing their concerns with the water and sewer rate hike.

“I feel very strongly that we should oppose these rates," said Maria Matta, a Royal Oak resident.

Matta was one of the many people who spoke out during GLWA’s meeting about the proposed rate increases.

“I used to live in Dearborn Heights and I want to move back into the district but right now with the water bills being the way that they are, it’s a huge barrier to home ownership," she said.

Harrison Shelby, a Detroit resident, said there are people already struggling.

“There’s a lot of people that are already facing water shutoffs and just overburdened with their everyday household expenses," said Shelby.

I also spoke with Highland Park resident Joshua Lamere who says he and his mother will really be negatively impacted by a rate increase. His mom owns a home in Highland Park and a cafe in Detroit.

GLWA says the increase is to account for infrastructure improvements and corrosion control.

“I think mostly we want to convey it’s a balance between being responsible and making sure we have the funds to prevent failures, but also understanding the affordability challenges that occur," said Nicolette Bateson, GLWA chief financial officer.

Meanwhile, Matta is worried about the increase.

"These massive water rate increases will lead to water shut offs, huge public health issues and it has a lot of implications… worsening health disparities in the state of Michigan," said Matta.

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