MONROE, Mich. — Police are investigating an assault and robbery that happened in the middle of the day in a busy area of downtown Monroe.
On Nov. 5 around 9:30 a.m., a man can be seen on surveillance video following another man around Jack's Bicycles on South Monroe Street. The suspect then jumps on the man, assaults and chokes him before taking off with an undisclosed amount of cash.
The owner of Jack's Bicycles, Scott Goocher, wasn't in the shop yet when this took place but cannot believe something like this could happen in broad daylight.
You can watch surveillance video of the incident below. It may be hard for some to watch.
“We’re on the corner of Monroe and 2nd, so there’s a lot of traffic, people out walking their dogs early in the morning too, so pretty crazy for something like that to happen," Goocher said. "That just doesn’t happen here at all."
Businesses in the surrounding area say it's an uneasy feeling knowing something like this could happen two blocks from the police station and have started taking extra precautions.

"We have cash here and we take sales here. Our customers are coming in and out. It makes us kind of want to up the security around the place," owner of Hidden Intuition Sidney Stanley said. “Everyone knows everyone. It feels like a Hallmark movie all the time when you’re downtown, so for this to happen is jarring."
Monroe police say the incident appears to be random and they are actively investigating. Residents say they've also noticed an increase in police presence since the incident.
"I have noticed the past few days... police are coming in with that slow roll right by you, like I know you see me seeing you. There is a noticeable presence," Monroe resident Benjamin Smith said.
Police warn residents, especially around the holidays, to not carry large sums of cash and to be aware of your surroundings when walking alone.

If you have any information on this incident, call the Monroe Police Department at 734-243-7500 and ask for the detective bureau.