
Red Cross offering A1C testing with successful blood donations in March

American Red Cross asking for blood donations...

The American Red Cross is offering free A1C testing for all successful donations in March, the organization announced on Tuesday.

The A1C test is commonly used to screen for diabetes and prediabetes. No fasting is required for the test, and blood donors should eat a nutritious meal ahead of the appointment.

According to the American Red Cross, it's part of an effort to bridge access to health care for blood donors. They say 1/3 of people lack regular access to primary care.

The CDC says diabetes affects 1 in 10 people and nearly 1/4 of people have been undiagnosed. The hope is that the free A1C screening will address that gap.

“By understanding our own health, we can create a foundation to help prevent chronic illness, improve the quality of day-to-day living and save lives,” said Dr. Barry Siegfried, the medical director of the Red Cross Michigan Region. “Blood donation can now be part of that journey.”

The A1C testing for successful donations for blood, platelets and plasma, runs March 1-31. Other key things to know include:

  • A donor can expect to receive their test result within one to two weeks through the Red Cross Blood Donor App or their donor account at
  • A1C testing will be offered at Red Cross mobile blood drives and donation centers.
  • A donor who receives an elevated A1C test result is encouraged to consult with their medical provider.
  • To book a donation appointment, visit use Red Cross Blood Donor App or call 1-800-RED CROSS. All presenting donors will receive a $10 Amazon gift card by email.