NewsNational NewsDemocracy 2018

Georgia governor race could head to runoff election


By sheer number, Democrats have reason to celebrate post-midterms when it comes to seats for governor.

In Wisconsin, Democrats ousted Republican incumbent Scott Walker by voting in former educator Tony Evers. It was also a surprise in Kansas, as the Democratic state legislator who beat staunch Trump supporter Kris Kobach describes her win as, “a wave of common sense.”

Perhaps two of the biggest gubernatorial wins went to the Republicans—in Florida and in Ohio, two swing states that could boost the odds for Republicans in 2020.

But the governor’s race that gained some of the biggest attention was the governor’s race in Georgia, where Democrat Stacey Abrams trails Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp.

Votes won’t be certified until next week, but the margin is so thin right now that Abrams believes they'll be headed for an automatic runoff election.

In Georgia, a runoff is triggered when neither candidate reaches 50 percent.  Abrams' campaign says that could happen once absentee ballots are factored in.

"We feel we owe a fight to voters, to all voters, to make sur every vote is counted," says Lauren Groh-Wargo, Abrams’ campaign manager.

Despite Abrams refusing to concede, Kemp sounded confident in his early morning speech, saying, “There are votes left to count, but we have a very strong lead. And, folks, make no mistake, the math is on our side to win this election."