Camping for Cannabis: Line of people wait for weeks in Redford hoping for a marijuana license


REDFORD, Mich. (WXYZ) — A line of people are camping for cannabis outside Redford Township Town Hall.

Redford Township says the line started on Tuesday, September 10, the night the Township approved for the first time that they will be issuing marijuana licenses.

"I was surprised to see it," said Redford Township Clerk Gary Christie regarding the line, "I was anticipating seeing them out here in mid-October."

The want-to-be marijuana merchants are lined up right outside Christie's office window. He's watched them out there for over a week already, and they'll have to continue camping out there until October 3 if they want to keep their place in line and submit a marijuana license application to the township.

The applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis starting at 9 a.m. on October 3.

If you leave the line for anything without a replacement, even just to go to the bathroom, 7 News Detroit is told that you lose your place.

When asked why he thinks people are so eager to apply for the licenses, Christie answered; "Well I think a couple of reasons, I think that there’s a limited supply, and they think they’re going to make a lot of money on this."


7 News Detroit tried to talk to each one of the dedicated cannabis campers, but was told by most that they weren't allowed to interview as they're waiting in line on behalf of a cannabis company.

Companies that, according to the Cannabis Regulatory Agency, are doing very well.

In Michigan marijuana sales set a new record in August with the industry selling more than $295.4 million worth of marijuana.

Here's a map of where the dispensaries are allowed to be placed in the township.

Redford Township marijuana establishment district map
Redford Township marijuana establishment district map

There's no limit to how many marijuana licenses will be given out. However there are stipulations as to where dispensaries can be built that will limit the number.

For instance they cannot be within 1,000 feet from a school, 1,000 feet from a public park, or within 2,500 feet from another dispensary.