INKSTER, Mich. (WXYZ) — A traffic alert for drivers in Inkster & Dearborn Heights: starting this morning, and lasting for the next month, you're going to run into some slow-downs on Michigan Avenue.

MDOT is taking Westbound U.S. 12 down to one lane, between Beech Daly and Middlebelt.
Reaction overnight from drivers was mixed: some say they're happy the roads are finally getting fixed in this area. Others say the project will be a major inconvenience.
Now to be clear, there's going to be a pipe replacement to help mitigate flooding issues in this area. That's why MDOT will be working on a tow-mile stretch of Westbound Michigan Avenue between Beech Daly and Middlebelt. They'll reduce this major four-lane road down to one beginning in just a few hours at 8 a.m.
Now, most of the two-mile construction project happens in Inkster. We talked to two Inkster residents about it, and they had differing opinions.

“It’s like the main thing in the city that you can get from this city to this city and you’re not just driving down side streets," Comer said. "So, if they do that and they got construction going, I hope the construction gets done. We not against that. We not hating on nobody getting this city back together with they streets. They need to fix these bumps. They need to fix a lot of bumps in the city.”

“No," Rahman said. "We need them lanes, oh we need them lanes open for everybody to get to work, kids to get to school. Stuff need to move. People need them lanes open. Yeah!”
Both gentlemen did agree that any sort of work done that helps this area is good. MDOT estimates the project will be completed on Monday, April 14.