Community groups push education, clean up of whippets


DETROIT (WXYZ) — When volunteers from a number of community groups and companies gathered last weekend to collect whippet chargers that had been dumped in various parts of southwest Detroit, they expected to clean up a lot of the chargers that are often misused to get high.

They ended up collecting more than 7,000 that had been dumped in area parks, in front of homes, and along streets. And they're on a mission to educate everyone from children and their parents to business owners about the dangers of misusing the whippet chargers that are typically used to make whipped cream.

Click on the video to see their work in action.

And if you need help, parents of children who are abusing whippets can call 855-378-4373. Adults can call 313-646-6864.

If you have whippets you'd like to properly dispose of, you can text 313-926-9398 prior to dropping any off at 4601 Merritt Street in Detroit.